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> Liverpool Sites
post Sep 24 2008, 01:24 PM
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Fellow Ringers,

It has been some time since I was on here, approx two years, so appologies to all for ignoring my southern and paintball ties!

Been in Liverpool now for 18 months and all is going well. I work for a hostel looking after homeless teenagers and have decidied to introduce a few of them to the fantastic sport of paintball.

I am hoping some of you Ringers may know of or heard of a good site to take these Paintball Virgins to. If you have a contact as well that would be even better!

Many thanks,

Your lost and trying to not be forgotten, brother in arms

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post Oct 1 2008, 09:14 PM
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Although I love paintball, I thought that lazer quest would surely be cheaper, less contact, less muddy and more team buildage for teenagers and no-one ever gets hurt playing lazer quest...
At least that's what my church leaders told me when I wanted to take my young impressionable youths to our local paintball site... confused.gif

Anyway I was in Chester for a bit a few years back and I know there were at least two local paintball sites - not sure how far that is from you and even if they are still there. Soz, that hasn't helped much!

See you in a couple of weeks

PS - Does this mean that you are officially a northern monkey now or have you retained any southern jessie shandy drinking qualities?! tongue.gif

Wrong Shui
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