Kill Paul Newbery! |
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Kill Paul Newbery! |
michael |
Dec 23 2006, 08:00 PM
[Ringer Patrol] Group: [Ringer Patrol] Posts: 1480 Joined: 4-March 01 From: Yateley, Hampshire Member No.: 56 |
The success of Gears of War needs no explanation. Graphically polished and tweaked to deliver the ultimate Xbox Live experience, Cliffy B and the boys at Epic Games deserve all the praises heaped upon them. Tipping the mighty Halo2 off the spot as the mose popular online Xbox game, the adventures of Mr Fenix and co. have brought many Ringers together, both new and not so new. This era of new found gaming pleasure and unity will end on Christmas Day when Mr. Newbery opens his copy.
Those too young to remember must take warning. I have borne witness to the destructive power of RP Wingnut across too many battlefields, race tracks and hostage standoffs to recount. His ability to assimilate himself into any game in a matter of minutes will only result in your immediate, humiliating demise. He can out-snipe, out-run and out-gun anyone her wishes with effortless impunity. Wingnut + Gears of War = Death for You and Me. It's that simple. This time, I have a plan. I'm not paying Microsoft £40 a year just so I can watch Paul clean up every map from the comfort of my dead-man's spectator-view. I spent far too much time doing that on Counterstrike. No, this time I want to raise an army. An army with the balls to stand up to RP Wingnut and be counted. An army, trained on every map, skilled in every weapon and aware of every camping spot to give us the advantage that we so desparately need. Tactical estimates gives us just 36 hours before The Real Emergence Day, taking dinner and the Queen's Speech into consideration. Sign up now! Get in the Fight! -------------------- |
paul |
Dec 24 2006, 12:44 AM
Moderator [Ringer Patrol] Group: [Ringer Patrol] Posts: 2081 Joined: 14-March 01 From: Sandhurst - Berkshire!! Member No.: 42 |
I can see only one small problem with your plan...... There is no army big enough or brave enough to hold me back from trying to wipe out the world. My destruction and killing is bred from years of keeping a calm controlled exterior whilst deep down harbouring thoughts of terror. (this and some really strange thing going on which makes me really lucky in most games) I can't wait for mass online killing to take off with groups of us picking off the weak and the old (Young in this case though). Lets get on with the killing. P.s. Santa if you don't bring me a copy of Gears of War - YOUR NEXT! -------------------- Of course I'm arrogant...The best always are!
Bird |
Dec 24 2006, 09:30 PM
Member Group: [RP PB] Posts: 553 Joined: 2-November 01 From: Surrey Member No.: 53 |
Hang on guys - what the 'ell are you talking about?
Aren't you in the wrong forum - this chat one is for people with a life... (Ok, I admit, I bought my brother a second guitar for Christmas so that I can play Guitar Hero against him, but surely that doesn't count me as being a geek...does it? ) -------------------- Wrong Shui
- "Avoid keeping more than three items on your desk that you can't fit into your mouth" - "Plants with pointy leaves are bad for you. So are friends with pointy faces. Avoid both" |
Sam |
Jan 21 2007, 12:19 AM
[Ringer Patrol] Group: [Ringer Patrol] Posts: 1029 Joined: 9-April 01 From: Guildford Member No.: 29 |
Bit harsh! :)
-------------------- Do you come here often? I said.....come.
russ-boy |
Feb 8 2007, 11:03 PM
Moderator [Ringer Patrol] Group: [Ringer Patrol] Posts: 1105 Joined: 8-March 01 From: Somewhere in darkest Surrey, not exactly light years from an off-licence Member No.: 4 |
Just one question...
Can you explain the success of 'Gears of War'? |
Sam |
Feb 9 2007, 09:42 PM
[Ringer Patrol] Group: [Ringer Patrol] Posts: 1029 Joined: 9-April 01 From: Guildford Member No.: 29 |
He plays...I drink...sorted
-------------------- Do you come here often? I said.....come.
Egg Designer |
Feb 15 2007, 05:44 AM
Group: Full Members Posts: 458 Joined: 27-May 02 From: Somewhere just left of sanity Member No.: 88 |
I agree with the smelly one, how can something that so succesfully encourages people (mostly pasty faced, overweight males who class pyjamas as day clothes) to sit in front of a monitor for hours and hours a day and slowly watch their life ebb away as they become obese recluses, be classed a success?
discuss... ;) -------------------- Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers of a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Fcuknig amzanig huh |
paul |
Feb 15 2007, 08:04 AM
Moderator [Ringer Patrol] Group: [Ringer Patrol] Posts: 2081 Joined: 14-March 01 From: Sandhurst - Berkshire!! Member No.: 42 |
The same way in that many amoungst us let their lives be run by paintball - Its a hobby, an escape from everyday troubles and toils, a release of pent up frustration.
I agree that there are many very pasty overweight kids playing but the same can be said of anything. Its a mix. Im not overweight or pasty and unfortunately not a kid! I don't thinkn Mike can be classed as any of those either. And just for clarity - us kids call it the TV these days not a monitor This post has been edited by paul: Feb 15 2007, 08:06 AM -------------------- Of course I'm arrogant...The best always are!
michael |
Feb 15 2007, 10:33 PM
[Ringer Patrol] Group: [Ringer Patrol] Posts: 1480 Joined: 4-March 01 From: Yateley, Hampshire Member No.: 56 |
Success can be counted as 2 million copies selling in just six weeks. It's popularity stems from the instant thrills it delivers in online play. Previously most multiplayer games favoured the pasty-ones persistance by rewarding them with hidden weapons and sniping spots only available from hours of play. Level design is even and well-thought out. The choice of weapons is also well-balanced with no one gun being particulary better than the other. Those who played Counterstrike will no doubt remember those AWP campers that would play every game with the same weapon and pick you off, regardless of what your tactics were. In GoW, every advantage you think you have with a weapon or a level is short lived as there is a tactical nemesis to counter it. Changing tactics on the fly makes for a challenging experience with teamwork being the best weapon. Running off to get all the kills single-handed will generally result with a chainsaw bayonet shoved through your chest cavity.
With any interest or actvity, moderation is the key. Unlike MMO's such as World of Warcraft, Gears of War does not require a substantial amount time invested to appreciate it. It's just eight people, blowing the shit out of each other with unfeasibly large and vicious firearms. However it's done so in an intense, balanced scenario that always has you looking over your shoulder, counting your ammo and seeking audible assurances from your team-mates that they've 'got your back'. -------------------- |
Time is now: 16th January 2025 - 01:15 PM |
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